"Let Food be thy Medicine and Medicine thy Food"
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
Reboot Programme

The symptoms of Long Covid overlap with the symptoms of CFS/ME/Post Viral Fatigue and this programme will be relevant for anyone struggling with Long Covid.
My approach in supporting CFS/ME is much more than changing diet. Of course, rectifying nutritional deficiencies and following a diet that supports balanced blood sugar levels and hormonal balance are essential foundations, but with a condition as complex and multi-faceted as CFS/ME we must look ever deeper and examine every aspect of our lives: sleep quality, stress/anxiety management, toxic overwhelm, infections, negative behavioural traits and thought patterns, personality sub-type predispositions, environmental stressors, energy prioritisation, life purpose, unprocessed trauma, emotional well-being and genetics.
It is important to recognise there are different phases within CFS/ME which present with different symptom severities, so what may be well tolerated and beneficial in one phase many be detrimental in another. For example, starting body work or cleansing in a 'Total Crash' phase, when the body has very poor resilience, could be harmful. However, outside a crash phase, this will be massively supportive. Physical, mental and emotional pacing should also be tailored to the phase you are currently in.
As a holistic practitioner my approach to healing is to support the body’s systems that are shown to be most under stress.
As shown below, with CFS/ME imbalance occurs in multiple Body Systems which accounts for the very varied and wide ranging symptom pattern usually experienced.
Autonomic Nervous System:
Anxiety; insomnia; unrefreshed sleep; easily overwhelmed; jittery feelings; intolerance to bright lights, loud noises or busy environments; depression; racing mind; repetitive thoughts; inability to cope with every-day things; unexplained pain; burning sensations; muscle weakness, migraines, visual disturbances and dizziness.
Endocrine System:
(Hormonal Function: Adrenal, Thyroid, Neurotransmitter):
Physical, emotional and mental fatigue; crashing; irritability; weight gain; cold intolerance; loss of Libido; PMS/Infertility; frequent urination; palpitations; disturbed sleep/wake cycle; mood swings; depression; inability to concentrate; impaired memory; shakiness relieved on eating; energy slumps; nervousness and extreme hunger.
Digestive System:
IBS; bloating; constipation; diarrhoea; reflux; belching; trapped wind; food sensitivities; intolerance to alcohol; and malabsorption of nutrients.
Immune System:
Susceptibility to bacterial, viral and fungal infections; recurrent Thrush, Bacterial Vaginosis or Athletes Foot; heightened immune responses; heightened histamine production: hives/urticaria, hay fever, sensitivity to high histamine foods; inflammation and Autoimmune conditions.
Lymphatic System (Toxicity overwhelm):
Skin irritations and discolouration; oedema; swollen lymph; joint pain and stiffness; muscle aches; headaches; brain fog; mood and cognitive issues.
Glymphatic System (Leaky blood/brain barrier):
Brain Fog, Cognitive dysfunction, Confusion, Aphasia, Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, Inflammation, Headaches, Peripheral Neuropathy.
Mitochondrial ((Energy dysfunction):
Persistent fatigue no matter how much you rest; delayed onset fatigue; pay-back after exercise; muscle weakness and pain; premature ageing.
Body Systems Most Commonly Under Stress & Associated Symptoms
It can feel totally overwhelming when having to deal with such an array of symptoms on a daily basis. With so many Body Systems in need of support a gradual approach must be taken by necessity. The order of support is important and I liken it to peeling back the layers of an onion, we must start supporting the crucial outer layer before we can peel back and reach the inner layers to support those areas.
CFS/ME Reboot Programme?
The CFS/ME Reboot Programme is a 3 Phased Programme
PHASE 1: Implementing Change
Learn to eat in a way that turns down the dial on your symptoms and supports hormonal balance
Identify and rectify nutritional deficiencies
Reduce anxiety by calming the stress response
​Improve sleep quality
Change mindset and create new daily habits that support health
Start digestive and Immune system support
​Identify hidden energy depleters in your life and learn how to self-protect from them
Learn how to reduce your exposure to environmental toxicity
Start gentle Detoxification
Start liver support to facilitate Phase 2: Gut Healing Protocol
Support energy production (cellular/mitochondrial health)
Start gentle adrenal support
Improve overall resilience in the body
Phase 1 consists of an Intake Consultation and 4 (1.5hr) Follow-up Consultations.
The first Follow-up Consultation will take place one week after the Intake Consultation.
All future Follow-up Consultations will then take place at 1 month intervals to allow plenty of time to absorb the information given and to gradually implement the new dietary and lifestyle practices recommended. At each consultation your progress will be analysed before moving on to new topics.
Two working days later you will receive a personalised Nutrition, Lifestyle & Supplementation Protocol.
This is the most information intensive part of the programme and you will be asked to make a lot of changes to many aspects of your life. In order to retrain your brain it is essential to cultivate a healthy daily routine and engage in consistent practices that promote balance and healing in the body.
Throughout Phase 1 we will test for and rectify nutritional deficiencies. In addition, I will also get you to conduct a number of simple tests that you can do yourself at home. We will explore Functional Testing options that can pinpoint optimal nutrition needs as well as a range of markers around nutrient absorption, digestive function, micro-flora balance, microbial overgrowths, gut permeability, toxicity, fat / protein / carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, oxidative stress, hormonal balance, thyroid function, toxicity and more.
PHASE 2: Gut Healing Protocol
Phase 2 consists of 4-6 weekly 1hr or 0.5hr consultations.
During Phase 2, consultations focus on deep cleansing, intensive digestive and immune support by undertaking an ongoing Gut Healing Protocol which typically takes 4-6 months to complete and the results of your functional testing will allow me to tailor this protocol in a very targeted way.
Digestive health is closely linked to many chronic illnesses and improving gastrointestinal permeability, correcting gut dysbiosis and supporting a healthier gut microflora is instrumental in improving digestive symptoms, absorption of nutrients, improving food sensitivities, strengthening immune function, reducing inflammatory responses as well as improving mood, cognitive function and many other symptoms.
During this phase of deep cleansing and detoxification, it can be common to experience a Herxheimer's reaction or 'healing crisis. This can be a confusing time as it may mean certain symptoms increase before they start to get better and this can be somewhat demoralising. This healing crisis is always very individual and the length of time and range of symptoms experienced will be totally unique to you. During this time, it is important to have in place strategies that support the body's detoxification and elimination pathways and I will work with you in Phase 1 to improve all these processes so that any reaction will be as minimal as possible. I also offer email support to clients in between consultations so they always feel supported and have guidance during this time.
Please note, clients must be in an 'improvement' phase before they can undertake Phase 2.
PHASE 3: Self-Sufficiency
Consultations now start to focus on intensive adrenal and thyroid support as well as longer-term immune support.
In Phase 3 you start to safely explore testing your movement and exercise boundaries in a very controlled and pro-active way.
During Phase 3 the time between our consultations will start to increase as it is no longer necessary for us to meet monthly, consultations will move to 2, 4 or 6 monthly intervals as you start to transition towards self-sufficiency.
This programme is completely personalised and how quickly someone can move through each phase of the programme will depend upon the individual health of each person and their commitment to implement change.
Emotional Wellbeing
Throughout our consultations we will explore many areas that might be negatively impacting your health and which might be driving a dysfunctional stress response (eg: recognising personality traits and behavioural patterns, negative thoughts, unconscious behaviours, unprocessed grief or trauma, adverse life events, life purpose, etc. For those requiring support with emotional healing and/or life purpose coaching, I will make referral recommendations to other practitioners and I work in association with an organisation who specialises in offering this type of support specifically to CFS/ME clients.
Cost of Consultations
INTAKE Consultation £300
> CFS Info Pack (sent in advance)
> Review of Health Questionnaires
& Blood Work Analysis 1.5hrs
> Intake Consultation 2.0hrs
FOLLOW-UP Consultations:
> 1.5hr Consultation £180
> 1.0hr Consultation £120
> 0.5hr Consultation £70
> Functional Testing Interpretation Fee £35
Please Note: The CFS/ME Reboot Programme is carried out at whatever pace each client's individual health and progress permits. Therefore, the length of time and number of consultations needed to complete the programme will be unique to each client. As a general rule, Phases 1 and 2 will take ~9 months to complete.
CFS/ME Reboot Programme For?
Anyone who is tired of waiting for a miracle cure and wants to take action now.
Anyone who is frustrated or confused with the help they have received so far.
Anyone who wants to support their health naturally by regaining balance in their body systems.
Anyone who wants to take control of their own health.
CFS/ME Reboot Programme For?
Anyone looking for a quick fix.
Anyone who does not believe they can get well.
Gemma C, Hampshire
"I started working with Susan in March 2021 and at this point was at my lowest and desperate for some help – I just really needed to stop feeling the way I was feeling. I had been suffering with symptoms for a couple of years
I have found Susan’s approach to be really professional and informative. I now have a much better understanding of my own body and why I am have these symptoms. I’ve learnt what does and doesn’t work for me and to listen to what my body is telling me. I’ve learnt to respect my body and that what is okay for others might not be okay for me.
I embraced working with Susan 100% and I am now 7 months into the programme. During our most recent check in my symptoms have improved by 64%.
My IBS symptoms disappeared almost immediately after changing my diet, followed by my vision and memory issues, my headaches have now all but gone, as has the sore throat, light-headedness and non-refreshing sleep. I’ve also not had a ‘crash’ in several months. I am still working on fatigue, and whilst it’s still there and still debilitating it’s so much better than it was and I do believe that it’s only a matter of time until my energy levels return.
The documentation and plans provided by Susan have been incredibly detailed, with a wealth of information and I regularly refer back to these. They have covered every aspect of my life and are very comprehensive."
Sally K, Brighton
"It has been the best decision in consulting Susan. The programme is comprehensive and paced gently so not as to feel overwhelmed. Since working together, I have been impressed by Susan's professionalism and thorough knowledge relating to ME/CFS. Information and step by step plans/handouts provided are prepared with care and clarity. I have learnt so much on my journey on this programme so far than all the things I've tried previously. There is much hope for the future."
Joanne S, Trowbridge
"I chose to work with Susan because of her first hand experience of CFS and her science-based approach. From the introductory call onwards, I have been impressed by Susan's knowledge which is current and exceeds what I have so far experienced from mainstream health providers. During our sessions, Susan has proven to be knowledgeable, supportive and professional. Her sessions have been jam packed with information and explanations which she followed up with comprehensive handouts. The handouts/protolcols have clearly explained my monthly objective using charts, diagrams, helpful links and practical suggestions.
After 4 months, I am surprised and thrilled to see a 43% reduction of my symptoms. I truly believe I could not have achieved this without Susan as my guide."
Emily T, London
"The CFS Reboot Programme and working with Susan has been a game-changer. I had been struggling with my health for many years and was feeling completely overwhelmed by it all - I had nearly given up that I would ever improve. Working with Susan, I have gained invaluable understanding around my condition and symptoms and now have the knowledge to understand why my symptoms flare and what I can do to prevent that. My symptoms are slowly reducing and some have completely gone! I know there is still a lot of work to do, but I feel like I'm on a path that I have control of now."
Hannah M, London
“During my time working with Susan, I have achieved huge progress in my recovery from ME/CFS. When we first started, I didn't have a solid baseline and my energy was very up and down. I was desperate to get better but didn't really know how. Having seen many different practitioners, I was very confused about what I should be doing to improve my health; I had been given a lot of conflicting advice and my confidence was very low. I was reassured when I first met with Susan as she wasn't at all perplexed by my health as other practitioners had been; she explained that my symptoms and situation were all normal for the illness and she was confident she could help me. She was the first person I met who seemed to really understand ME and who was equipped to approach my health from every angle.
Susan educated me on how the illness really operates and what is behind it, and she gave me a wealth of information on how to begin tackling it. She helped me set up a daily routine and a diet which made a huge difference in managing my symptoms, and she gave me loads of suggestions of practical things I could do to support my healing, including a very comprehensive supplement regime. Susan helped me understand what is helpful for me and what hinders me, so that I could gain confidence in managing my own health.
As a practical, detail orientated person, I've benefitted from the regular and thorough health protocols Susan gave me which meant I had something positive to focus on and that I had direction in my life.
There is so much confusion in dealing with ME; Susan was able to cut through all of that and give me a sensible, steady recovery guide which addressed all areas of my health, and has helped me achieve nearly a 60% improvement in my symptoms, as well as the confidence to look after my own health and well-being and to aim for a full recovery.”
Chantelle H, London
"Nutrition is the foundation in my recovery and in my life now and has opened me up in so many ways to see my health as a whole. When I started working with Susan, it gave me back hope of recovering from ME and has empowered me to take responsibility for my health and my life.
Working with Susan I have learnt how to feed myself, look after myself and have a better relationship with food. I never thought I would eat the way I do now and enjoy it and be excited about it.
Susan has not only been a Pivotal part in my recovery but this time in my life."
Ruth H, Derby
"Having suffered a severe post-viral relapse of CFS, I struggled for two and a half years and didn't know where to turn. I was housebound and could hardly get through the days. When I read about Susan's own struggle with CFS and her recovery, I knew I wanted to work with her.
Susan understands the many challenges of living with CFS like no-else I know and gave me invaluable help, advice and support regarding nutrition, lifestyle changes and supplements. She also gave me constant reassurance. I hadn't made any progress until I started working with Susan but with her help and support over the last year, I gradually made improvements.
Susan has now referred me to a medical herbalist but continues to support me when I need help.
I will always be so grateful to Susan for her support and for getting me this far. Thank you."